The Lambert family has recently shifted into a new house.
The family consists of the patriarch, Josh, his wife, Renai, their two sons
Dalton and Foster, and their newborn daughter. Dalton is an adventurous boy who
likes to play with action figures and imagine new worlds as their battlefields.
He does not lose a chance to explore new things and it is this curiosity that
brings him to the attic of their new house. In trying to reach the light switch
in the attic, Dalton has an accident and suffers a mild concussion. He goes to
sleep that night as usual but unfortunately does not wake up the next morning.
The doctors reveal that he is in a comatose state but medical science has no
reason to explain his grave condition. Renai takes care of him for 3 months but
finds it difficult to continue to live in the house which has an ominous
presence. The family shifts houses but the hauntings continue. Finally,
consulting with a paranormal expert, the family discovers that it wasn’t the
house that was haunted but Dalton himself. Josh must take matters in his own
hands to make sure his son comes back to his normal state safely.
The film begins with the story of an ordinary family who
have just started their new life by welcoming a new member and moving into a
new house. From there, the story goes into a tragedy of a mother taking care of
her son before turning on its heels to become a horror about a paranormal
condition of astral projection. The film starts decently and becomes quite
interesting with the theories of astral planes and travelling beyond physical
existences. The expectation of watching the characters take on what is called
‘The Further’ in the film, i.e. the astral plane where non-physical persons
roam, becomes quite exciting. Unfortunately, the manner in which it has been
dealt is quite disappointing. Towards the end of the plot, the horror elements
in the film actual become quite ridiculous.
The film is not really terrifying. It does use a few scare
tactics with good costume and makeup alongside quick cuts and sound effects,
but that is as far as it goes. Overall, the film would have been more
interesting if the astral planes were dealt with better and if the film
maintained its consistency.