Great films come by only once in a while. And great
trilogies, or great film series, are even rarer to find. So when a great
trilogy does come by, it should definitely be watched and enjoyed by everyone
who loves films. Great film trilogies, or series, also become benchmarks for
future productions, and that shows the true value of their quality. One such
series is The Lord of the Rings trilogy which is an epic story with roots in
high fantasy novels.
The Fellowship of the Ring: Frodo Baggins is a hobbit who
lives with his fellow beings in their peaceful region called The Shire. Around
the time that his uncle is to celebrate his 111th birthday, a
trusted wizard called Gandalf returns to their peaceful town and discovers that
the ring gifted to Frodo by his uncle is the One Ring, a powerful magical ring
which was created over 2,500 years earlier by a dark lord named Sauron. Gandalf
tells Frodo to leave the protection of The Shire as Sauron’s servants, the
Nazguls, would be pursuing him to retrieve the ring. Gandalf decides to consult
head wizard Saruman the White and entrusts Samwise, a fellow hobbit, to travel
with Frodo and keep him safe. Gandalf discovers that Saruman has pledged allegiance
to Sauron by helping him build an army of a new breed of warrior Orcs called
Uruk-hai. During this time, Frodo and Sam are joined by two happy-go-lucky
hobbits, Merry and Pippin, as they continue their journey and encounter the
Nazguls. In the fight, they are assisted by a mysterious ranger named Aragorn
who promises to escort them to Rivendell where they are reunited with Gandalf.
In a counsel of the races, it is decided that the One Ring has to be taken to
the fires at Mount Doom to be destroyed. Frodo takes it upon himself to
complete the task and is joined by his hobbit friends; Sam, Merry and Pippin –
along with the wizard Gandalf, the ranger Aragorn, Legolas the Elf, Gimli the
Dwarf and Boromir, a man from the lands of Gondor. This group forms the Fellowship
of the Ring which sets off on their journey as they battle Sauron’s Orcs in the
Mines of Moria and Saruman’s Uruk-hai leading to their numbers being depleted
and the Fellowship being scattered across the lands of Middle Earth.
The Two Towers: Frodo and Sam continue their journey towards
Mordor where Mount Doom is located. They are attacked by Gollum, a previous
possessor of the ring who is consumed by his desire for it and wants it back.
Eventually, Sam and Frodo overpower Gollum and have him guide them to the Black
Gate of Mordor. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli continue their search for Merry and
Pippin and arrive at Rohan where the King Theoden is under a trance put on him
by Saruman and his accomplice, Grima. The king’s nephew, Eomer, accuses Grima
of being a spy and Grima has him banished from the kingdom. Eomer leaves Rohan
but travels and collects an army of loyal men. Eomer and his men kill the
Uruk-hais who had taken Merry and Pippin as prisoners. During the battle, Merry
and Pippin flee and enter into Fangorn forest where they meet Treebeard, the
oldest of the Ents. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli continue their search for Merry
and Pippin and confront Eomer who informs them of the battle with the
Uruk-hais. The trio find the trail of Merry and Pippin which leads them into
Fangorn forest where they are reunited with Gandalf. They return to Rohan where
Gandlaf frees king Theoden from the spell he is under. Theoden decides it would
be safer to move his people into their stronghold, Helm’s Deep. Saruman
dispatches his army to Helm’s Deep to kill the people of Rohan. The battle at
Helm’s Deep lasts for many hours as citizens of Rohan and an Elven army try to
hold off Saruman’s forces before they are assisted by Eomer’s army in finally
banishing the Urak-hai army. Meanwhile, Merry and Pippin try and eventually
convince Treebeard and the other Ents to attack Saruman’s base at Isengard.
Frodo and Sam continue their journey with Gollum as they are met by Boromir’s
brother, Faramir, and his army of rangers. The army is attacked by Orcs and a
Nazgul which leaves Frodo, Sam and Gollum alone to continue their journey.
The Return of the King: Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and
Theoden and his army meet Merry, Pippin and Treebeard at the flooded Isengard.
They travel to Edoras where they split once again and Gandalf and Pippin set
out to seek Denethor, the steward of Gondor. Against Denethor’s wishes, Pippin
lights a beacon which signals for ally armies to be sent to Gondor as they fall
under siege. Aragorn receives the sword Anduril which helps him prove that he
is the heir of the king Isildur as he recruits the Army of the Dead who owe
their allegiance to Isildur’s bloodline. Sauron’s armies lay siege to Minas
Tirith. Theoden and his Rohirrim army arrive midway to provide support to the
falling army of Gondor. They manage to hold off the might of Sauron’s army
which is led by a Witch-king until Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arrive with the
Army of the Dead and help win the battle. Frodo, Sam and Gollum continue their
journey into Mordor via Minas Morgul. Sam overhears Gollum’s plan to kill Frodo
and steal the ring. He tells Frodo of this but Frodo banishes him after being
convinced by Gollum that Sam only wants the ring for himself. Sam is
heartbroken and leaves but returns to find that Gollum has led Frodo to a giant
spider and left him paralysed. Sam defends Frodo from the spider but can do
nothing as an Orc patrol captures Frodo and takes him to Sauron’s fortress. Sam
rescues Frodo and they continue towards Mount Doom. At this time, Aragorn takes
the remaining army from the war and lays siege to the Black Gate of Mordor to
divert Sauron’s attention as Frodo and Sam continue their final surge to
destroy the One Ring.
The film trilogy is an adaptation of a three volume novel
which was written by J. R. R. Tolkien. Each volume of the novel corresponds to
one of the three films which they are adapted and draw their name from.
Although the novel is one whole piece with a continuous storyline from start to
finish, the films are only complete as a trilogy with each individual film
being only a part of the whole and standing as an incomplete story by itself.
The trilogy is an approximate 12 hours in its extended edition (approximately 9
hours in its original theatrical edition) which is made up of 3 films of roughly
4 hours each, but in fact, the trilogy is actually like a 12 hour long film
since the storyline is continuous.
The trilogy falls under the fantasy genre. In the literary
form, it is an epic from the high fantasy genre; a fantasy story which creates
a world of its own which is beside the real world. The trilogy itself is epic
in the realm of epic fantasies. It also falls under the genres of action and
adventure. It sets a bar in the world of fantasy which is not easy to
accomplish for other films. It probably stands by itself as one of the greatest
productions and film adaptations of a fantasy series ever made. It also has
amazing elements of adventure with characters making long journeys with new
discoveries and new additions to the plot. Even the action is brilliant with
its amazing battle sequences.
The trilogy tells the tale of a long arduous journey from
the point of view of the protagonist and also has subordinate stories running
along which are about camaraderie and loyalty to one’s own friend or country,
courage in the face of adversity, pride and honour in doing what you love and
are required to do, the triumph of good over evil, and many more. The storyline
has taken a great load of work and it shows. The characters in the trilogy come
out splendidly, with complete sketches being visible at the end, after a
gradual revealing of each character’s traits during the course of the plot.
The action sequences which include fight scenes, battles,
chases, and more, are really well done. The battle scenes which are shot in the
trilogy may be among the best ever produced in a film. The special effects and CGI
work is extremely well done which can be seen in the battle sequences and with
the coming to life of the character of Gollum. The performances put in by the
actors have passion which brings the story to life beautifully. The score in
the trilogy also creates a great feel to it and is used repeatedly during the
course of the three films.
The trilogy is awesome. It should be watched by anyone and everyone
just to understand and acknowledge how epic it really is. Without watching the
trilogy from start to finish, it is impossible to really understand, praise or
criticise it. Hence, watching it is a must.